Science Without Borders
An International Student Art Contest Inspires Creativity and Conservation
It’s that time of year again, the next Science Without Borders® Challenge! An international contest that engages students and teachers in ocean conservation through artistic expression. According to the KSLOF (Living Oceans Foundation) website: “This annual competition inspires students to be creative while promoting public awareness of the need to preserve, protect, and restore the world’s oceans and aquatic resources, contributing to the overarching goals of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. The Challenge is open to primary and secondary school students 11–19 years old, with scholarships of up to $500 awarded to the winning entries.”
The Challenge
The call for the 2025 Science without Borders ® challenge is on. Next year’s theme is Marine Keystone Species. Keystone species play a crucial role in keeping ocean ecosystems healthy and balanced. To apply for this year’s contest, students should submit artwork featuring a keystone species that lives in the ocean, highlighting this creature’s vital role in its marine ecosystem. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE 2025 THEME
To help teachers encourage their students to participate in the Science Without Borders® Challenge 2025, the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation has compiled a number of resources to help them do so. This includes providing information and links to lesson plans to help students learn about the theme, a grading rubric, and a handout they can use in their classrooms.
View the Science Without Borders® Challenge archive to see some of the stunning work created by young people in years past.